
Guidelines for presenters


Case data

The following patient’s identity details must remain confidential: name, address, social security number, and date of birth.

It is recommended that the presentation include photos and/or videos (e.g. fundus photos, imaging, other) and displayed using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Please include a challenging retinoblastoma case with a particular diagnostic or treatment dilemma.

Instructions for best practice

Find a quiet spot with good internet speed. Please test your internet speed and Zoom capabilities before the presentation so you can be better prepared.

Arrive a few minutes earlier to test your audio, open your slides and get ready to your presentation.


1 min. – Introduction (moderator)

7 min. – Presentation (Speaker share screen)

5 min. – Discussion, questions and answers (Q&A) period

1 min – Ending of case (moderator)


Guidelines for moderators


Instructions for best practice

Find a quiet spot with good internet speed. Please test your internet speed and Zoom capabilities before the presentation so you can be better prepared.

Arrive a few minutes earlier to test your audio.

Moderator will mute all participants except the presenting physicians.

Moderator will record the Zoom meeting.



4 min. – Introduction (moderator) – Moderator will introduce the presenting physicians (full name, position, affiliation and country) and the international experts joining the meeting (full name, position, affiliation and country).

1 min. – Refer to the first presenter

7 min. – Presentation (Speaker share screen)

5 min. – Discussion, Q&A period

1 min – Ending of case (moderator) and referring to the next presenter.

4 min – Ending of case (moderator) and summary. The moderator will discuss the next convenient MDT meeting date with members and report the date and any technical, professional, or ethical dilemmas related to the MDT meeting to the manager of the site.


Useful links

Joining & Configuring Audio & Video:


Sharing Your Screen Video: